Remember when your grandparents used to call long distance to say hi?  Your parents would interrupt whatever you were doing and drag you to the phone. There was no little picture of them in a box. Just a disembodied voice. You’d grab the phone for a quick hello and get back to whatever you were up to. The whole interaction might last a minute.

If only you knew then what you know now.

Now that you have grandkids who live out of town, you finally understand what those phone calls meant to your grandparents. You realize how much they missed you and cherished even such limited contact.

Fortunately for you, that device in your hand is not – wait for it - your grandma’s rotary phone.

The technology at your fingertips makes it possible for you to stay connected to those out-of-town darlings in a way your own grandparents could not. Even if you are less than tech savvy, your kids and grandkids can school you on the ins and outs of the video chat and activity apps available to you.

Here are a few suggestions to keep you engaged and involved with the little lights of your life.


If you have an iPhone, the FaceTime app is ready and waiting for you. All you have to do is click on the FaceTime icon, and then click on New FaceTime. Type in your kids’ contact info and when it comes up, click on the green Facetime button. Voila! Those eager little faces will appear. And after the first contact, they will come up on your list as soon as you click on your phone’s FaceTime. You can even create a group chat so the kids can see you and each other.


Zoom became popular for business meetings during Covid. But anybody can subscribe and it’s a great way to chat with the grandkids. Zoom is easy to download on your phone or iPad. Once you have the app, you can set up private meetings with your family. FYI there are two Zoom options, free or paid. The free account limits group meetings of 3 or more devices to 40 minutes. If it’s just you and one other device, you’re good to go for unlimited fun. And seriously, if you can keep a group chat with grandkids going for more than 40 minutes, you will be in the Grandparent Hall of Fame.


You may not be able to snuggle with your toddler in person, but with reading apps like Caribu, you can make story time a warm and special experience. In order to use this app, both you and your kids must download the app on your devices. Caribu offers a wide assortment of books, games and activities to share with the little ones.   It’s a great way to connect with the under two set whose verbal skills make conversation rather one sided. They will love this one on one time with Grandma or Grandpa. You can try out Caribu for a month for $9.99. If you subscribe for a year the charge for unlimited use is $79.99.


Zoog lets you get into character and be the storyteller. There are tons of books at every age level to choose from. A video enhanced you will record the story in AI costume. Then you can text a link of the recording to the kids. Easy peasy. It’s silly and fun – as well as educational - and the kids love it. Zoog offers a 7-day free trial after which the charge is $9.99 a month, $24.99 for 3 months, or $89.99 for one year.

Optimize the Experience

When trying to pin down a 3 year old or a 5 year old or a 7 year old, don’t shoot yourself in the foot.

  • Try to schedule time with the parents that work for their family routine. And even then, manage your expectations. You might be calling at the exact moment the older one is being punished for hitting little sister. Or you might find your adorable perfect ray of sunshine having a complete meltdown because Mommy turned off the TV. Hungry crabby kids are not going to be receptive to your charms so cut your losses and try again.
  • Look into the camera. 

So often when we FaceTime we wind up looking at that little picture of ourselves and it is really distracting for the kids. Look into the camera and you can almost make eye contact.

  • Be Prepared. 

Your two year old is not going to launch into a dissertation about their day. So, once you have their attention, dive right into a new song or a new storybook before they lose interest.

  • Create a Special Sign Off

It’s fun to make up a goodbye ritual and repeat it every time you chat. It will make even the shortest call end on a memorable, loving note.

Connect to Your Overture Community

You may not be able to talk to the grandkids as often as you’d like, but your warm, inclusive Overture senior living apartment community is always here for you. Book a tour today to take the first step toward the ultimate retirement living experience. 

Once you sign on the dotted line you can FaceTime the kids to wish them happy holidays. Then head directly to Happy Hour to share a celebratory cocktail with your Overture buddies. Ain’t retirement life grand?