Time. In the world before retirement, it was the enemy. There was never enough time. With multiple balls in the air, it was always a challenge to be on time. And, somehow, when it came to pursuing your own passions, it just wasn’t the right time.

But that was then. This is now. And there is no time like the present to reconnect with interests left simmering on the back burner while you were balancing life, career and family like a Flying Wallenda. With time on your side, you can even explore new hobbies that may not have appealed to you before but inspire you now.

According to the experts, seniors who fill their time with engaging hobbies are not only keeping their minds sharp, they are also preventing disease, reducing stress, enhancing their sense of purpose, and best of all, forging and strengthening social relationships.

And you thought you were just playing Canasta.

The benefits of sharing activities with like-minded senior peers cannot be overstated.  Speak to any of those lucky enough to have rightsized into an Overture premiere senior apartment community. What they value most is their interaction with their Overture community. Providing a full roster of activities specifically tailored to senior interests and abilities, Overture is the perfect backdrop for turning unstructured free time into quality time with friends.

Choose a Hobby

Now that your time is your own, how will you spend it? There are lots of fun, creative solo activities. There are plenty of group options. There are solo hobbies that you can enjoy with a group. Do you want to spend more time outdoors? Or are you looking for a new indoor hobby? Do you want to get back into canasta or are you game for learning bridge? Are you interested in focusing your energy on helping others?

How you answer those questions will determine which of the following hobbies may be in your future – or resurrected from your past.

Get Artsy

You don’t have to be Picasso to connect with your inner artist. There are so many fun ways to flex your creative muscles alone or with friends in a class. And while you’re at it, you’ll be improving your motor skills as well as your cognitive abilities.

Some popular choices:

·         Photography

·         Painting

·         Sketching

·         Jewelry Making

·         Knitting

·         Woodworking

·         Pottery Making

Bird Watching

They are intelligent, humorous, clever, social and fun to watch. Yes, we’re talking about the birds. But if you join a bird watching group, you’ll find the human company equally entertaining. Bird watching is a great activity for anybody with mobility issues. All you need is a pair of binoculars and a comfy bench.


Gardening is relaxing but definitely not sedentary. You’ll connect with nature and soak up the vitamin D while burning calories, building strength and having fun with gardening buddies.


Helping others is the hobby that benefits the giver as much as the receiver. Seniors who volunteer make new friends, gain a strong sense of community and enjoy enhanced self-esteem.

Get in The Game

Whether it’s Candyland with the grandkids or Pictionary with your buddies, games bring people together. They also stimulate brain function and can help forestall memory issues. And let’s not forget laughter and snacks.

Learn Something New

Keep that brain active by learning a new language, a new recipe, a new dance routine or how to do something new on your iPad. The more your hobby taxes that space between your ears, the better it will function.

Book a tour at the Overture premier apartment community of your choice today. This is your time and once you move into Overture, it will be the time of your life.