Now that you’re a grandparent, no doubt you have already discovered the true secret of grandparenthood.Shhhhh. Don’t tell your kids. They don’t need to know your grandkids have replaced them as your raison d’etre, razon de ser, reason for being. In French, Spanish or English, it’s clear those little ones have stolen your heart. And you will happily let them keep it forever.

Don’t be at all surprised when your own children look at you with wonder and ask who you are and what have you done with that person who insisted they have manners, do their homework, and get to bed - or else. This is the new and improved you. Giver of time, love, chocolate, and ice cream, before, during and after dinner.

Though nobody would dispute the fact that any day with those little faces is grandparent’s day, the official celebration in September is a chance for all the generations to get together and shine a light on family and your special place in it.

Proclaimed in 1978, National Grandparents Day aimed to:

  • Honor Grandparents
  • Give grandparents an opportunity to show their love of the little ones. Not that they need an excuse.
  • Help kids become aware of the important impact grandparents have on their lives.

Americans are not alone in setting aside a day to honor grandparents. Since 1978 some 22 countries around the world have jumped on the bandwagon. In 2021, the Pope announced the creation of World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly, to be celebrated annually on the fourth Sunday of July. As you can imagine, this is just fine with the Hallmark people. In the US alone, 4 million cards make their way to deserving and grateful grandparents.  

And here’s a fun fact: Unlike Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, Grandparents Day is devoid of an apostrophe. The mission is not just to celebrate grandparents, but to pay tribute to the whole generational pyramid, at the top of which is, well…you.

Here are a few Grandparents Day ideas to make your experience memorable and meaningful.

Make it a Family Day

If the kids are local, or you can plan a visit that coincides with the holiday, Grandparents Day is the perfect time to gather the family. It can be a casual picnic or a lovely lunch at your favorite restaurant. Whatever vibe you choose, the key is quality time together.

Let the Games Begin

After everybody is fed and watered, bring out your favorite games. Your choices will vary depending on the ages of the grandkids. Keep in mind kids as young as 8 have been known to learn – and love – canasta. Maybe your family would enjoy a puzzle making contest. Two matching jigsaws, two teams and away you go.

The Family Tree

Grandparents Day is the ideal moment to sit down with the younger generation and introduce them to their ancestors. As they hear stories about relatives they may have never met, they will understand their own connection to a larger family group. They will love to hear about the “olden days.” You know, that time about a minute ago when the hottest technology was your new electric typewriter. 

Lace Up Your Sneakers

Grab a grandkid or two and take a walk in the park, or around the neighborhood. Leave the devices at home and you’ll be amazed at what you can find out from chatty kids who are not scrolling through TikTok.

Get Crafty

If you’re looking for great Grandparents Day gift ideas, any age-appropriate project that engages the kids will do the trick. You will love the time spent creating, and they will leave with a parting gift to remember the day - and you. For example, go on a rock hunting safari with the little ones in the backyard. Then bring out the glitter and stickers, and voila! You’ve got a great art project. For the older kids, you can pull out old family photos and make a collage. While you’re working, with cookies nearby of course, you can regale them with stories of your misspent youth.

Celebrate at Overture

Once you’ve signed on the dotted line and rightsized into one of Overture’s premium senior apartment communities, invite the family to take advantage of Overture’s resort worthy grounds and facilities. Kids can splash around in the Olympic sized pool and then join other families for a walk on the grounds or a movie in the theater. Be sure you save an hour for snuggle time back at your comfy, upscale, apartment.

Once you are part of a welcoming and inclusive Overture community, Grandparents Day can be special – with or without the kids. If your family lives out of town, grab some fellow grandparents in similar circumstances and create your own celebration.

Book a tour today. Your friends are waiting to experience Grandparents Day -  and the best of retirement life -  with you.